AUG 1ST DEADLINE NO LONGER APPLICABLE! If you haven't RSVP'd or sent money for Friday night, there is still a chance to do so! Email (salina.mecham@gmail.com) or call (801-440-6643) Salina Mecham to make the reservation!

Friday, Aug 20th
at the Burley Best Western Inn beginning at 6:00 PM. Dinner will be served from 7:00 - 8:00 PM. Alcohol can be purchased at the bar. Cost is $20/person and pays for the food, room rental, and other costs related to our reunion. One significant other can join you ($20/person) but no kids. The room is reserved until 11:00 PM.

Please send a check or money order pay to the order of Burley High School Class of 2000 Reunion to

Salina Mecham
14078 S. Almaden Cove
Bluffdale, UT 84065

As we receive your payment your name will be marked off and a reservation made for your dinner.

Saturday, Aug 21st at the Burley Storybook Park (Conant Ave and 14th St) everyone, including kids, is invited to a bring-your-own-picnic party from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM. If the weather is really bad, we'll meet at Salmon Park (Parke Ave and 18th St).

Email a few pictures and a short summary of the past decade to
gobobcats2000@gmail.com if you would like it posted on the blog.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jana Fillmore

Oh how time flies
After my senior year in Burley I went off to Ricks which soon turned into BYU-Idaho. I started off in Elementary education and after realizing that I don't like being with 30 children at a time I switched my major to Communications. I majored in Advertising with a minor in Physical Education. In 2002 I got married to Erik Nielson in Logan Utah and a year later I had triplet boys Adam, Tyler and Nathan.

Two weeks after my boys were born I went back to school to finish my degree. Two years later I and my husband graduated. Erik got into Med school at Penn State Medical Center. We all moved to Hershey Pennsylvania. After Erik Graduated in 2009 we stayed in Hershey so that he could do his residency in Anesthesia there. I am a stay at home mother and in 2008 I had a little girl named Abigail. Life is crazy but a ton of fun. We love it out east but do hope to come back west one day. I can't believe it has been ten years!

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